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Eric and Honey meet @ the park plaza

Anderson knocks on the wood; to take his vacation to the other town. After a few days, his decision is urgently changing directly. This time, he is planning to meet Honey in the park plaza.
In the evening, he is busy as clam to find his way; to contact her. Moving forward, he has tried to call her using her mobile phone, yet he has lost his interest to her, since he could no longer keep in touch on her. Anyway, he is still waiting to the presence of Zyrril.
Early in the morning, Eric is excitedly going to the Grand company. Here, the manager lets him, he has recently passed the training. Well, he is now going to his house.
At this time, Honey has sensed to her secret admirer. Moving forward, she is going to the office the manager. Here, she does not find the guy. Upon glancing to the other room, out of the blue the guy is already to this room. Immediately, she leaves to this room.
While Eric is doing his work. Meanwhile, he is looking to the window of his office. Eyes on the stalks, he has found to the woman who makes his eyes pellucid. Moving forward, he knocks on the wood to go out, yet he does not find o the woman. After a few hours, the wind has passed over him. To that, he smells to the presence of the woman. Right now, he could not concentrate to his work.
During to their lunch time, Honey is tiredly waiting to the handsome guy, yet the guy did not take to his lunch in the cafeteria. Well, she makes up to her mind to go back to her room; to continue eating her foods. But her manager calls her; they will eat together on the table. Well, she and her manager are now taking to their foods. Meanwhile, the manager has requested to attend his birthday, yet Honey did not promise him yet.
On the other hand, Zyrril is freaking out to back to her hometown. Oppositely, her cousin is still wishing that her cousin will change her mind. Moving forward, they are going to the tallest mountain; to take their pictorial. At least, they are enjoying to their lives.
Late in the afternoon, Anderson is going to the park plaza; to meet his friends. Moving forward, his friends are not around to the park. Well, he makes up to his mind to go to the mall. While he is walking to the ground; out of the blue, he sees the beautiful woman In just a second, he approaches on her. What he could see; this woman is his first ex-girlfriend. Right now, he declines to continue to approach her.
At this time, he is listening to the favorite song of Zyrril. After a few minutes, he comes back to the woman who makes his day great. Upon looking on her again, out of the blue this woman is identical to his ex-girlfriend before.
On the other hand, Eric enjoys to his day off. Right now, he takes his time to sleep on the bed. Unfortunately, he could not sleep his eyes. What he could see, the presence of the beautiful woman. After a few hours, he takes his time, to watch the great attractions in the Wells city. What he could see; the park plaza which looks amaze to his eyes. Actually, he wants to go there, yet he is still tired. He has promised to himself, he will go to that park soon.
Early in the morning, Zyrril wakes up quickly. Her heart is excitedly looking to her beloved sweet lover. Moving forward, she and her cousin are now taking to their breakfast. After a few minutes, her cousin has collapsed beside her. Well, she brings her to the hospital, even if she does not have a money.
In the hospital, Zyrrill is worrying to the current situation to her cousin. What she will always looking on her. This woman is always vomiting to her foods that she has eaten. At this time, she wants to go back to the house; she will be going to her hometown, yet her cousin won’t allow her. To her request, Zyrril takes her time to take care on her.
On the other hand, Eric is having a bad dream to his sweet lover. To that, he urgently decides to stop working in the Grand company. However, he still loves to his job. Besides that, he did not earn his money yet.
While he is already in the office. His mind is focusing to his sweet lover. After a few minutes, the HR personnel is requesting him to be in the office.
In the office, Honey is waiting to the guy. Right now, she is having a butterfly to face to this handsome guy. At the same time, Eric is having a cold foot to face her, yet he did not display in front on her.
After to their conversation about the guy’s experience in the Grand company. This time, the guy leaves to the office directly. Moving forward, Eric does not understand to his feelings on her. At this time, he unintentionally forgets to his sweetheart even if, he is currently looking to the Zyrril’s presence. Well, he has closed to the door; to forget on her, yet he could still remember her.
Upon arriving to the house, Eric is closing to his eyes; to forget her. Besides that, he has closed the wind so that the light will not reflect to the room. Unfortunately, he could still remember Honey.
At this time, Honey is staying in the outside to wait the galaxy in the sky. After a while, the galaxy has appeared in the sky. To that, she is walking in the air to see it. For her, the galaxy is the presence of the handsome guy, her co-employee.
On the other hand, Ailyn is still staying in the hospital with her cousin. According to the doctor, her cousin will stay in the hospital within one month because every day she will add another illness. To that, she is worrying to the situation on her cousin. Aside from that, she is also worrying with regard to financial. Moving forward, she is going back to the house of her cousin; to use her money for her.
Early in the morning, Eric is planning an activity for his rest day tomorrow. What he desires; to go to the Grand company. After a few minutes, he takes his breakfast because he will be going to the company later.
At exactly 9:00 o clock in the morning. Honey is now arriving to the office. Here, she is looking to the presence of the guy. After a few minutes, she goes to the assistant manager’s office. However, she did not see on him. Upon turning to her head to the left side; out of the blue, the guy is coming to her. Less than no time, she is going back to her office.
Inside the assistant manager’s office, Eric does recognize to the feeling of the woman on him. In just a second, he has changed to his mind with regard to his observation to the woman.
At this time, Honey is trying to control herself. In short, he wants to hide her feeling to the guy. Her heart will be burying to the soil. After a few minutes, she has changed her mind with regard to his feeling to him. For her, it’s normal to get in love on him, since she is still a single like him.
Late in the afternoon, Honey is now planning to her activity tomorrow. What she crosses to her mind; to prepare foods for her friends. Moving forward, she takes her dinner early because she will be meeting her visitor tomorrow.
On the other hand, Ailyn and her friend are not following to the instructions of the doctor because they don’t have enough money for their bills in the hospital. Going forward, they are now staying to their house.
In the evening, Ailyn wants to leave her cousin, while her cousin is still sleeping on the bed. However, she is getting off hook to her. Well, she does not have a plan to go back to her hometown except her cousin will totally well from her illness. Moving forward, she takes her time to remember her sweetheart. She calls him over the phone, yet she cannot reach on him. Well, she desires to send her message via Instagram, yet she does not have a good signal.
Tuesday morning, Eric is cleaning his room and kitchen as well. Afterwards, he takes to his dinner, yet he still needs to eat something because he is not satisfied to his foods. Moving forward, he takes his time to stay on the bed. After a few minutes, he slipped his mind back to his promise; he will be going to the park plaza during his day off.
On the other hand, Honey is waiting to her visitors in the house. This takes 4 hours to wait them, however her visitors are around yet. To that, she is downing in the dumps to her life because she has spent her time; to prepare foods. Well, she is going to her room; to take her sleep instead she will be waiting to her visitors in the outside again.
Right now, Eric is already in the park plaza. Here, there are a lot of people who have visited here. Some people are taking their recreational activities, while the other people are taking to their dating. At this time, he wants to play with them, yet he is having a cold foot to join on them. Well, he decides to go back to his house, yet the rain starts to fall on the ground slightly. Well, he is going to the tree; to be protected by the tree.
At this time, Anderson is going to the park plaza after the rain falls to the ground. His intention is to play with his friends who are already waiting on him. Moving forward, his friends are very happy to see his presence in the park plaza. Immediately, they are now starting to their recreational activities.
While the men are playing in the park plaza. Eric knocks on the wood to join on them, yet he has changed his mind as he sees Anderson in the team. Well, he goes back to the tallest chair where the sweet lover will usually stay.
It’s already 5:00 o clock in the afternoon. This time, she opens her Facebook account. Out of the blue, she has found to the men are currently playing in the park plaza. To that, she is motivated to go there. Less than no time, Honey makes up to her mind to go the park plaza.
Upon arriving to the park plaza, Honey is happy as a clam to see the plenty of players who are very good in playing. Moving forward, she sits to the chair in the front of the players. Right now, she is romantically looking to them. Actually, she does not really know how to play. But she desires to play with them.
At this time, Eric is glancing to the woman who is his co-employee in the Grand company. Well, he makes up his mind to approach the woman even if, he is kicking his teeth to face her. Going forward, he stays beside to the woman. His heart keeps on pulling to the beautiful woman, yet he feels doubt to talk to her.
As Honey moves her head to the left side. Eyes on the stalks, her crush is currently staying with her.
Hello maam,
Are we the same rest day in the company? By the way, it’s good that we have met to each other.
Yeah, we are the same day off Eric.
While they are taking to talk about their work in the Grand company. Both of them are romantically to their feelings.
On the other hand, Anderson is gladly playing with his friends. Right now, he smells to the presence of his ex-girlfriend. Well, he decides to take his rest within 30 minutes; to find her.

Book Comment (59)

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    Bhing Bhing



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    William Antonio

    thanks you for you


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    Jerald Mendoza

    beautiful story


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